Consulting services

Greenlink Solar Inc. consultants work with our clients to identify, develop, and implement renewable energy initiatives to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings. Our services can be provided as a stand-alone service or an integrated component of your project.

We partner with teams of energy professionals who have an extensive background working in the solar industry and renewable energy technologies that could integrate all the energy needed from your parking lot to your buildings. A fully integrated system with grid free standalone solar lights for your parking lot, to the panels on your roof and canopies, all managed by a micro-grid.

With all the incentives like the 26% Income Tax Credit and the ability to depreciate your complete system, cost of solar dropping, technology improving, and now being able to manage your energy consumption, why not go solar. With the advancements in renewable energy technologies you can offset your grid-supplied electricity, reduce your demand on local utilities, decrease, if not eliminate your utility bill, and increasing your cash flow.
Give us a call or send us an email.


Kyb Fugfugosh